Pride is an important part of optimal performance and, at the same time, it makes all the hard work worthwhile.

As I high performer, you need to have a certain amount of pride for getting the job done right, for representing your ‘team’, your country, your family, yourself to the best of your ability.  

Pride is a motivator, and it is also a fuel that helps you to get ‘er done with the ‘game’ is on the line.

Pride is what I experienced yesterday when the coach of the Humber Volleyball team emailed me to inform me, in his words:

“Hey you’re a celebrity.  Here is the magazine that goes across the OCAA (Ontario College Athletic Association) and it has your article in it.”​sweat_winter2015

After I got over my initial “OMG, what if I said something silly and they quoted me” (this is a deep rooted concern, as I was once quoted in the Ottawa Sun as saying ‘I’m a Sun Baby!’  What?), I felt pride that:

    My mission to education all athletes and high performing individuals as to the power of Mental Toughness Training was picking up speed​
    I had reached a large population of athletes who now get mental toughness training can help their performance
    I was willing to put myself out there